Join parents and caregivers from around Washington County for a day of connection, information, support, and resources. Ask your questions directly to a panel of local mental health professionals, hear stories from others who have experience parenting youth with mental health conditions, and learn hands-on tools you use right away in your relationships with youth in your community.
It is life changing when children can grow up in a community that understands how to support their mental health. So this event is for parents, caregivers, grandparents, teachers, coaches, friends – anyone who interacts with youth. The day will be emceed by author, mental health advocate, mom, and comedian, Tara Rolstad, who brings some light moments to these tough topics. You’ll walk away from the day knowing you are not alone, whatever struggles you’re facing.
Ticket includes catered lunch, Spanish interpretation (if needed), and entry to win wellness raffle prizes!
Scholarships are available. Please email for more information.
Note for parents: Childcare is NOT provided for this event.
Presented by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Washington County and Shattering Stigma with Stories. Made possible with the support of Washington County Health and Human Services.