Live Wire Radio is an independently produced radio show based in Portland, Oregon. Hosted by Luke Burbank and announced by Elena Passarello, the show artfully blends unpredictable conversation, live music, and original comedy featuring all kinds of cultural talent and creative minds, from emerging artists to established acts. Live Wire champions discovery by producing engaging,…
Live Wire is proud to partner with the Portland Book Festival for a special matinee performance featuring three extraordinary yet-to-be-revealed writers plus a special musical performance. Live Wire Radio is an independently produced radio show and non-profit based in Portland, Oregon. Hosted by Luke Burbank and announced by Elena Passarello, the show artfully blends unpredictable…
LINDY WEST Lindy West (she/her) is the author of the New York Times best selling memoir “Shrill” and the essay collections The Witches Are Coming and Shit, Actually. Her fourth book, Adult Braces, a follow-up to Shrill, will be released in 2025. Her work has appeared in This American Life, The New York Times, The…
EVERY CASTLE, RANKED Co-created by Lindy West & Ahamefule J. Oluo Performed by Lindy West A castle is the ultimate “expectation vs. reality” meme. Like a lot of kids, Lindy West grew up dreaming of castles and princes, of a magic beyond everyday life. But reality has a way of grinding the fantasy out of…
With the energy of 1,000 suns, Alex Zerbe moves like a rubber band from one end of the stage to the other. Beatboxing, juggling, dancing, singing, music and magic are just a few of the things that led Piers Morgan of America’s Got Talent to call this physical comedian, “The total package.” The “Professional Zaniac,”…